Tuesday, April 19, 2011

All right, all right, all right.

These words, spoken by Matthew McConaughey's character David Wooderson, are some of the most quoted of the iconic film, Dazed and Confused.  They are also the first line ever spoken on film by the actor, and for that, he credits them as his favorite line from any movie.

The Ted Nugent shirt makes his statutory rape jokes much more believable

I don't imagine my first entry in this blog will have the quotability of any movie lines, nor will it become a lucrative career.  Maybe it's because I don't get my shirtless picture put in magazines, or maybe it's because this is a free website with millions of other people too cheap to shell out the $17 to host your own blog website.  Anyway, I do hope that my first blog motivates me to keep writing, keep updating and hopefully keep anyone who reads it a bit entertained along the way. 

Blog appears to be a hip thing, and as with most things that are hip, I am pretty late to the party.  I don't think that my life is so very interesting that I would need to share it over the information superhighway, but I definitely would like to update all my friends and family while I am in Afghanistan.  So this is an avenue for me to share some thoughts and stories about what I am doing, seeing and learning while I am "down range" (this euphemism has nothing to do with kitchen appliances, mathematics, distances something can travel, or a series of mountains - but all of those things will likely be addressed on this website one way or another over the course of the next year).  It does mean being somewhere that is probably dangerous, separated from family and friends, and has a whole lot less indoor plumbing than back home.  It is Army jargon for spending time deployed.  In my case this deployment has been an on again, off again roller coaster of shifting deployment dates, jobs, and missions that will probably change several more times before I actually settle in to my small role in Operation Enduring Freedom.

As it stands, my departure is one week away from tomorrow.  There has been lots of training and planning and packing and tossing and turning waiting for this day to come.  I am actually putting off my final packing by spending time writing this. 

I hope this hasn't bored you to death, maybe it even makes some sense.  I promise more insight in future posts, but all in all, my first blog didn't treat me too badly.  Hopefully people who read this far feel the same way.


  1. Welcome to the world of blog. While I don't care for the circumstances under which you have decided to start your blog, I look forward to potential shirtless pictures of you while riding camels.

  2. I like you. I might even give you a nick name.
