Sunday, May 15, 2011

How Bazaar

Saturdays on KAF are not that different than any other day.  In a combat zone there are no real 'weekends', things just sort of chug along as they normally would.  One exception is the KAF Bazaar near the NATO end of the air base.

The  بازار  as it is spelled in Urdu ( I couldn't find the Pashto translation) is a collection of merchants who pay a fee to set up stands on the end of the airfield that is the most cosmopolitan with the largest mix of NATO forces living close by.  

The tent scene where everyone offered me "Good quality. Number one price"

The merchants feature everything from beautiful, hand stitched Afghan rugs and exotic looking antiques and wood carvings, to precious stones and jewelery and just about every fake purse brand and knock-off Rolex watch you could ever want.  

There was even a nice collection of the discarded military issue items that I can only assume were cleaned by the locals who do the garbage collection and then placed for sale back to the same people who threw them away - a great way to limit overhead and increase profits.

There were also numerous DVD 'retailers' offering the same selection of films that are currently in theaters back home in the U.S. which aside from the titles being written in Mandarin, are probably just really nice advanced copies that I am sure were obtained through legal channels.

Not one of these 'entrepreneurs' had a McConaughey section, and I suggested to more than one of them that if they really wanted to increase their bottom line, that would be the way to go.

If you don't have the OMC hit in your head already, here it is:

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